Friday, May 12, 2017

10 Things My Momma Done Taught Me (Relfections on Mother's Day)

With Mother's Day rapidly approaching I have been thinking about my Momma quite a bit.  I think about her often anyways....actually, we are blessed to pretty much talk on the phone every day.  All throughout the day, when things happen, or I see something I know she would like or appreciate.......Or I hear a funny joke or do something crazy that I know will make her laugh....I file it away to tell her that evening on the phone.  Tonight, I got to thinking about all the things my Momma has taught me over the years and thought I'd try to make a list.  Here goes! 

1.  My Momma taught me to ignore stupid people and not own their stupid crap.  

When I was younger and kids were picking on me or laughing at me (I know it's hard to believe because I'm so cool now, but I used to be a very nerdy, awkward, and socially inept kid;  shocking, right???) Momma taught me that these kids were stupid and not worth my time. She said they teased me because they were jealous of me (on account of how wonderful I was, see?).  So she taught me to literally or mentally just "Give 'em the HAY!  And don't take it back!"  Now that sounds a bit weird- but basically here's how it works:  You'd point your finger at that person accusingly and (in a long, drawn out 50 syllable manner that only a Southern Lady could pull off easily) say, "Haaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!!"   And then you walked off.  And you don't take it back.  That conclusively  marked that person's poor opinion of me as inconsequential and their teasing as ineffective.  And as you walked off, you would mention (rather loftily and snootily while looking up in the distance), "I do believe I see a buzzard!"    Done. Deal. Diss. Burn....For the WIN. 

2.  My Momma taught me to work hard. 

My Momma is the hardest working woman I've ever met.  For most of my childhood, she was both Mother and Father to two bratty girls.....and she often held down at least 2 jobs at a time....working 80+ hours a week in carpet mills (which is hard, back-breaking work by the way) ....just to make ends meet and keep us in clothes and food and housing.  She is 70 years old now and still works more than 40 hours a week most weeks....on her feet, climbing up and down ladders to get shoes for people to try on.   She still works circles around everyone else....always has.  You can't keep her still for a minute.  We always laugh because before you finish your dinner, she is already washing your plate.  She is a power-house and gives everything she does her best effort.  A real-life Energizer Bunny.   She gives 150% and makes it look easy.   She is amazing.  I have learned a lot by watching her work throughout the years.

3.  My Momma taught me to respect others.

To this day, if you are even 1 day older than me or if I am in a role where I am serving you, no matter what age you are........I will call you Ma'am or Sir.   I was raised to do it and I will say it with respect and I can't NOT say it.  I will say please and thank you.  I will hold the door open for you.  If you drop something, I will pick it up for you.  If you need a seat, I will stand up.  If you come to visit me, I will offer you a beverage or something to eat.    If you sneeze, I will bless you. It's not optional.   If I pour us both drinks, I will pour yours first.  My Momma taught me how to be respectful of people...especially my elders.  She taught me The Golden Rule, "Treat others how you want to be treated yourself."  Be friendly and always say hello to everybody, no matter who they are....and do it even if they are mean they are back...because as long as I'm nice, I've done my part.  And the 'Yes Sir' and 'No Sir' and 'Yes Ma'am' and 'No Ma'am' stuff???  That  is also not optional.  If my momma ever heard me say, "Yep"  or "Yeah" or "Whatever" to an older person.....she would gasp in horror and remind me that she taught me better than that.  And she did.  Yes ma'am, She did!! 

4.  My Momma taught me to be a strong woman.

I have seen my Momma be stronger than any woman should have to be.  I've seen her hurt and I've seen her cry.......but every time, after that good cry, I've seen her dry her tears, pick herself up and dust her self off ......and solve her own problems and then (as she would say) "Go on about her Rat-Killin'!"  She is a strong, strong woman.  And an excellent role model. 

5.  My Momma taught me to pray.

From the time I was a little bitty girl, I remember Momma teaching me to pray.  From the first mealtime blessing prayers of "God is Great, God is Good, Let us Thank Him For our Food"  to the every night before bedtime prayer staple of  "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep...."  followed by praying for every member of our family and all our friends, neighbors, classmates, and even pets.    Even now, at least a couple of times a week, she tells me that she is praying for me, my kids, my husband.......and it means the world to me.   I'm convinced that the fervent prayers of many praying Mommas is what keeps most of us out of life's ditches everyday.  

6.  My Momma taught me to laugh.

When we are together....or even on the phone....we laugh.  And we laugh.  And we laugh. And then, we laugh some more.   If anybody ever got a wild hair and thought to listen in on any of our conversations, they'd haul us all over to Moccasin Bend Mental Hospital and throw away the keys!!!  We laugh until we cry some times.  Sometimes we start out crying, but then somebody will mention about that time a grasshopper got up Mamaw's dress caused her to dance a fancy jig out in the washroom......or that time when Papaw lost his britches and yelled, "Dad-Gum, Bea!" in the truck-stop parking lot...........and then we are all laughing again.   We can barely go out together in public without making a spectacle of ourselves.....for example,  Mom took us to Red Food Store to get something and she was writing a check and I looked over at the check suspiciously and then looked at the cashier and then looked at my Mom and said, "Momma, who on earth is Mary Doss and where did you get those checks? (Then, giving her the stink-eye I stage-whispered), "MOMMA!!!  Did you steal them checks?"   That poor cashier....the look on her face!!! She didn't know what to was HILLARIOUS!!  And we laughed all the way home. Laughed until we snorted.  There ain't much hurt that laughter won't heal.  We always get into some meanness along the way.  We always make sure to laugh.

7.  My Momma taught me generosity.

If there are 5 hungry people and only 4 pieces of chicken, my Momma is the one who will declare that she really isn't hungry.  If you are cold, she will give you her own coat.  If she cuts the piece of cake into two pieces to share, she will always take the smaller piece. When I was little, I remember her telling me, "The More you share, the more you will get."  She always thinks of others and puts them ahead of her own comfort.  She has a big, kind, giving heart.  Nobody is going to go hungry when she is around, that's for sure.

8.  My Momma taught me how to cook.

When I was a little gal, Mom would sit on the couch and yell out things for me to add to a recipe.  We'd start with a big bowl.  We'd add butter, sugar, eggs, and flour.  Then random stuff.....chocolate chips, nutmeg, oatmeal, raisins, cinnamon, and nuts.....the kitchen sink!!  And I'd add stuff in and mix it all up and we'd bake all sorts of stuff. She trusted me to put in whatever it was and usually it turned out delicious!   She taught me how to bake cookies, cakes, pies, banana pudding, Momma is a GOOD cook!  Nobody can make potato salad like my Momma.  Hers is magic.  Pure magic.  Like...."angels blessed it and it will change your life" magic.  Every time I go home, we end up cooking up a storm!  And it's so much fun!! 

9.  My Momma taught me that "Pretty Is As Pretty Does." 

Momma taught me that beauty is more than skin deep......but she also taught me to always use moisturizer and always fix my hair (my mom will not go outside without her hair fixed!! And nobody is allowed to mess up her hair!! ).    But seriously - She taught me that "Pretty is as pretty does" and that any pretty girl who acts ugly isn't  really pretty anyways.   You can't just talk the talk -- you gotta walk the walk.  And you ain't going to be pretty even if you primp and get all painted up and dressed up in Sunday-go-to-meetin clothes....if you are talking ugly and acting ugly......then you ain't nothing but ugly.  

10.  My Momma taught me about LOVE.

If I talk to my Momma 25 times in one day.....I can guarantee you that she will tell me that she loves me no less than 25 times that day.  Every time we talk.  Every time. Even if I'm not being nice.  Even if she gets mad at me.  She still tells me that she loves me.   I know that I am loved.  I have always known that My Momma loves me.  What a precious, lovely gift!!!  Deep down, that's all that any of us want:  to be loved.   My Momma loves me.  No doubt.

My Momma taught me way more than just 10 things.....but you get the idea.  She is one AMAZING woman.   Happy Mother's Day, Momma!!  I love you!! <3 <3 <3

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