Oh Wow. This is a FUN one!!
Monday is a strict librarian who is all business and no fun. Absolutely NO fun. She wears her hair in a tight bun with nary a hair out of place. Her glasses are firmly planted on the end of her pointy sharp beak of a nose and she wears sensible shoes with her skirt and blouse. She is tall, thin, mean, spare and severe; not built for comfort or ease. Her face is wrinkled with serious frown lines from years of outright disapproval of anything frivolous or fun. Her purse is well organized and her cardigan smells ever so slightly of mothballs. Her book bag has only reference and text books. She does not read for pleasure, only knowledge. She lives alone with 3 indifferent cats in a very tidy apartment and eats cold tuna fish and drinks lukewarm chamomile tea for dinner every night while watching the evening news.
Tuesday is a teenaged student. Working hard to complete all of her assignments, wearing a plaid skirt and button-down shirt with saddle oxfords. Her fresh face is well-scrubbed, her hair clean and neatly held back in a sassy ponytail that swings from right to left as she purposefully strides down the halls from class to class: a woman on a mission! She will get the job done! Taking notes, and taking names....she is all about accomplishing the task at hand. Memorization, computation, conjugation - all with an eye toward graduation. She is fresh, full of potential and promise and she has big dreams!
Wednesday is a loveable coach; he used to be the Quarterback and star of the team back in the day. He's aging well, though he has grown a bit pudgy and soft around the middle, but he's still got the old charisma. He shouts instructions from the sidelines, cheering you on...letting you know that "You're half way there! You're gonna make it! Keep hustling! Keep your eye on the prize! It's all downhill from here!" He's tough and he still demands you show up for every single workout and practice, but you can't help admire him for his optimism and encouragement. Just when you want to give up, he blows the silver whistle around his neck and calls you into the locker room for an inspiring pep talk before the second half. His coaching methods are tried and true. He won't leave you hanging; he will see you through to the finish line.
Thursday is a middle aged, middle management man. He still shows up for work every day, but he reeks of apathy, indifference and biding time. He realizes that this is it; he has reached the pinnacle of his career and his ambition ebbed away with the arrival of this realization. His clothing is a bit rumpled and no longer crisply ironed and starched. His tie has ketchup stains on it and his shoes are mildly scuffed. His posture is slumped in an almost defeated pose at his desk. He's simply waiting on Friday's arrival with an air of detached acceptance.
Friday is Substitute Teacher who shows up wearing a tye-dye t-shirt and frayed jeans and flip-flops with black-eyeliner for make-up and she smokes. A lot. She's casual and she's laid back. She rolls in the film projector and declares "Movie Day!!" and then kicks back and takes a nap. Friday stays up late, parties hard, and occasionally colors her conversations with swear-words. Friday unapologetically eats junk food for breakfast, lunch AND dinner and smacks her bubblegum and blows giant pink bubbles. Friday listens to Rock-n-Roll music cranked up to 11.
Saturday is A Rhinestone Cowboy....Riding Out On A Horse In A Star-Spangled Rodeo! Saturday knows he's a super-star and he struts his stuff like the stud he is! All the girls swoon and want to be with him and all the guys just want to BE him. He lights up the room with his million dollar swagger, flashing Benjamins and buying rounds; dominating the dance floor with his moves like Jagger. He didn't just come to play, he came to WIN.
Sunday is a Grandma who gets up early and makes you breakfast. And not just any breakfast, but pancakes. With butter and syrup. And bacon; blessed bacon. And she wraps her soft arms around you and gives you a long hug and you KNOW you are loved. She invites you to rest with her under the shade tree in the swing and tells you stories about what life was like when she was a teenager and her soft, sweet voice lulls you to sleep and you dream of soft green grass, blue skies, clear waters and birds singing. When you awaken from your Sunday afternoon nap, she has warm homemade chocolate chip cookies and ice cold milk waiting for you. Sunday is easy. Easy like a Sunday morning.
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