Always be kind, rather than always needing to be right.
Believe that you ARE who GOD says you ARE.
Cherish your family and friends.
Deepen your faith.
Encourage as many people as you can.
Forgive others. It sets YOU free, not them.
Grace is the greatest gift you will ever be given.
Hear what others are saying; pay attention.
Insist on being gracious and nice to everyone you meet.
Just do it. Don't think about it or dream about it. Just DO it.
Keep in touch with the ones you love.
Love with your entire being.
Mamaws and Mommas are precious. Make sure you appreciate yours while you can.
Never go to bed angry.
Open your heart to seeing things from other's view points.
Pray. Always. Without ceasing.
Quiet is not boring. It's necessary for resting.
Relax and enjoy your life. You only get one chance.
Share everything you have. It will bring you so much more joy to share.
Take time to speak to everybody and give them a smile.
Understand that the world does not revolve around you.
Value the important things...realizing that the important things are likely not things at all.
We are all fighting ease someone's heavy load.
X-ray vision is not a superpower. Love is.
You are kind enough, good enough, and doggone it, people like you!!
Zealousness is contagious!
This is great! I'm gonna do one on my blog too!