Friday, December 23, 2011

New Year/New Me! Plans for 2012 !!!

I know that it's a week until New Years.....but I'm thinking ahead this year!  This year, I'm not going to make any "resolutions" at all.  I'm going to make EXCITING PLANS instead!!!

There are so many, many things I want to do this year!  Losing weight will make some of these things possible for me for the first time in years!!!  Here's my no certain order:

In 2012 I want to:
  • Wear a pair of Go-Go boots!  I've wanted a pair my whole life, but they've never fit!
  • Ride Steve's motorcycle with him!  I've always been too heavy.
  • Go Horseback riding (Don't worry....I'll wait until it's fair to the horse!) haha! :)
  • Go Hiking!!
  • Wear high-heels!
  • Go on a romantic Picnic
  • Dress up in Fancy Clothes and go to a Fancy Party
  • Wear a Swimsuit (It's been a while).
  • Keep my toenails painted nicely (now that I'll be able to SEE them!) :)
  • Get a massage on a monthly basis for pain control (Thank you, Massage Envy!)
  • Create and organize my craft room (which is an empty room with boxes right now)
  • Take more painting classes
  • Get involved in a small group at our new church
  • Consistently do my Bible Study
  • Learn how to apply my make-up.  I'm in a bit of a rut.
  • Visit Nappa Valley
  • Make my Japan Scrapbook (I've got hundreds of things to put in it...I'm just intimidated!!)
  • Cruise to Mexico for 25th Anniversary (scheduled for Feb. 2012!!!)
  • Schedule at least 3 romantic weekend "get-aways" (Day Trips)
  • Study local history and visit local historic places
  • Take more thoughtful photographs (go back to my plan of photographing churches and such)
  • Send at least 1 encouraging note a month to my friends who are struggling
  • Open my home to my friends more often for entertaining. I'm tired of being lonely!!!
  • Do something extra special for Steve on a consistent basis (monthly??) to let him know how much I appreciate and love him
This is by no means an exhaustive list.....but it's a start!!  For once, I'm excited about making plans for a new year!!  I'm going to have a GREAT year and discover my NEW life!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amandy,
    You have inspired me!!! LOVE your exciting plans!!! They are exciting indeed...and they will happen!!
    I love you!
