Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Recycled list of 100 things about ME. Completely self-indulgent. :)

  1. I hate Uncle Sam, Sock Monkeys, Steam-Rollers (or “Scare-Buggies” as I like to call them), oingy-boingy toys and Jack-in-The Boxes.   I have had bad dreams about all of these things at one time or another and they totally freak me out.
  2. Sunrise and Sunset are my favorite times of the day.
  3. I am actually shocked that I am 43 years old.  WHEN did that happen??  I don’t FEEL middle-aged; sometimes my reflection in the mirror catches me off guard and I think, “Who IS that old woman?”
  4. I actually enjoy watching Bill Myer’s show on HBO.  I know he’s an atheist and a dem/lib…..and I disagree with SO much that he has to say…but some of it is smart and some of it just cracks me up and I find the show intellectually stimulating.  I especially like the segment “New Rules.” 
  5.  I’ve always wanted a car painted glittery-hot-pink or purple. (You know, like the paint they use on speedboats?? Metal-fleck stuff?) OH yeah. 
  6. I cry.  A LOT.  Happy-Cry, Sad-Cry, Mad-Cry, Surprised-Cry, Whiney-Cry, Sorrow-Cry, Worry-Cry….I wish I had more control over my tears.
  7. I have a burning desire to write/publish a book.  Several books.
  8. I hate being alone. 
  9. The best thing about summer for me is fresh produce!  I love, love, LOVE cucumbers, tomatoes, corn-on-the-cob, okra, etc. etc. etc fresh from the garden!!  I miss canning vegetables with my Granny.
  10. I found a dead body in our back yard when I was a small girl.  Scared the wits outta me. I was terrified to go outside for months.
  11. I am finally comfortable with WHO I AM, but still not how I look.  I wish I was ½ my current size.  L  Not being able to lose weight is my biggest disappointment in life.
  12. I hate organized sports.  Don’t like to watch sports, don’t like to play sports, and mostly I don’t understand why otherwise normal folks get so ga-ga over sports teams. 
  13. I love the ocean, but am afraid to get in it.  The thought of jellyfish, sharks, piranha, barracudas, crabs, sea monsters and Sponge Bob being “out-there-somewhere-in-the-deep” scares me right back out onto the sand. 
  14. I want to travel the WORLD!  I want to see it all!  Mountains, valleys, oceans, villas, castles, rivers, jungles, tundra, dessert, rainforests……I want to see it ALL!!!
  15. I used to make up a wild “testimony” in Youth Group because I thought my own life was too boring.  Looking back, I wonder WHAT on EARTH those teachers thought when I “confessed” all my wrong-doing! Hahhaha!!!
  16. Beth Moore is one of my all-time favorite writers/speakers.
  17. Christmas is my favorite holiday.  I love Christmas carols so much that I’d listen to them all year round if my husband and kids wouldn’t have me committed for it !  haha!!
  18. I can’t sew.  I’ve always wanted to…I’ve tried to…..but it always ends in disaster with a seam-ripper and a lot of tears.
  19. I used to smoke cigars from time to time in my early adulthood.  But, much like Bill Clinton….I never inhaled. (But THAT folks, is where the comparison to Bill Clinton and cigars stops.  Just sayin.)
  20. I’ve never tried any illicit or illegal drug of any kind.  I was a goody-two-shoes! J
  21. I used to be so jealous of my friends who had an “intact” family.  I really, really, really hated “Father-Daughter” events because I didn’t have a dad at home.
  22. To this day when I’m scared at night….I cover up my head with the covers… THAT’S going to save me. Haha!
  23. I love prunes.   There.  I said it.  They are like natures’ candy!  (albeit with some untoward side-effects if you eat too many).
  24.  Banana popsicles are my favorite flavor.
  25. I’m an avid reader…often reading 4-5 books per month.
  26. I’ve always wanted to be the person who gets to name paint colors, make-up colors, carpet colors, etc….. how FUN would that BE?? 
  27. I hate wearing shoes. 
  28. I am enjoying my “empty-nest” phase of life….but I often get lonely and I miss my kids terribly sometimes.
  29. I want to learn to paint! 
  30. I’ve always wanted to sing well enough to sing with Steve just ONE time….but alas….I can’t carry a tune in a bucket! I have a tendency to change keys a lot (where I’m not supposed to) and it sounds awful.  But when I’m alone…I sing! I sing LOUD and sometimes I even dance too!  J
  31. I have a pair of blue-velveteen short-shorts with “BootyLicious” spray-painted across the butt in red and gold glittery paint.  Upon occasion, when I wanted to mortify my children….I would pull them out and threaten to wear them in public.  I still have them hidden in my drawer!
  32.  I adore eating out in restaurants!!! 
  33. I get absolute JOY from encouraging other people.  I love it when I can brighten someone’s day or make someone smile! 
  34. My husband is my very best friend.  I tell him everything, trust him completely, admire and respect him greatly, and love him so much that I can’t even express it in mere words.   
  35. I love to write corny poetry. I have 3 entire journal books full of corny poetry that I’ve written over the years.
  36. I’ve been skinny-dipping once.  Once was enough.
  37. The one time I ever toilet-papered a yard, we got caught.  By the police.
  38.  I’ve always wanted to go to one of those dinner shows at Medieval Times….but we’ve just never done it!
  39.  I love acting and I miss getting to participate in dramatic arts.
  40.  Although I occasionally have an alcoholic beverage, I have never been drunk.  Ever.
  41.  I like to watch reruns of shows like “Family Ties”, “Golden Girls”, “The Cosby Show”, “Alf” , “Mork and Mindy”, “Happy Days” , “Laverne and Shirley”, “I Love Lucy”, “Andy Griffith”, etc…etc…etc.   
  42.  I am a sucker for cartoons.  
  43. I love to bake…especially cookies and cakes!
  44.  I do not like rollercoasters.
  45.   I refuse to watch scary movies….no horror flicks, no movies where people get hurt.  There’s enough pain in this broken world without me having to watch fictional accounts.
  46.  I miss my Mamaw terribly.  There’s not a day goes by that I don’t think of her.
  47.  I love long car trips with my husband!  We always have the best time!
  48.  I love to get pedicures and I love to get massages.  Maybe I just like paying people to touch me?? Haha!  Okay. That sounded MUCH weirder than I intended.
  49.  I am a very loyal person and I value friendship very highly.
  50.  I love to collect things.  I am NOT a pack-rat or a hoarder (as I have been unfairly accused!) haha!  I have boxes of teapots, porcelain dolls, teddy bears, lighthouses, Precious Moments, Cherished Teddies, etc. etc. etc.
  51.  I am very sentimental.
  52.  In the winter I enjoy a steaming cup of hot tea before bedtime….either peppermint tea, almond sunset tea or Earl Grey.
  53.  I love to take pictures!!  (Not be IN them….but take them).
  54.  I do a crossword puzzle almost every evening.  I hate everything about numbers…but I made myself learn how to do Soduku puzzles because I felt I needed a challenge.
  55.  I used to work at Hills Department Store in the toy department.
  56.  I CAN NOT STAND bullies, racists, or meanies.  All God’s children (rich, poor, black, yellow, white, smart, disabled, athletic, ugly, pretty)…we ALL need to play nice and get along.  Don’t be mean to ANYBODY. EVER.  It just ain’t right.
  57.  I don’t really like Starbucks coffee.  It kindda tastes like acidic mud to me.  The frozen ones are okay….but not all that.
  58.  I love being creative…whether it’s drawing, painting, decorating a cake, making crafts, etc…..  I may not be good at it all….but I do enjoy the effort!
  59.  I love seeing precious little girls all dressed up in frilly dresses and bows.  So sweet!  And I love seeing little fellas dressed in shorts and cowboy boots! Nothing cuter!
  60.  I’ve only ever gotten 1 speeding ticket in my life (and it was about 2 months ago).  I cried all the way home.
  61.  I coveted my cousin’s Ms. Beasley Doll.  I always, always wanted one.
  62.   I am not fond of Chocolate.
  63.   I am allergic to Sulfa and Cipro.  They cause me to break out in hives and look like a plucked chicken!
  64.   I once tried to wax my underarm hair when I was 14.  Notice I say ONCE.  Burned my pits with hot wax and then the wax wouldn’t come off and stuck to my clothes for a week….and it hurt to put my arms down by my sides! What a mess that was!!!
  65.   I once accidentally full-on “mooned” a mailman.  It was completely accidental and I was utterly mortified.
  66.   I love Cream Soda, Root Beer, Grape Soda, Gingerale, Orange Crush, and Fresca!
  67.   I have ridden a mechanical bull.
  68.   When I was a little girl, I had a huge MatchBox and Hot Wheels collection!  I used to build “roads” all in the gravel driveway and build towns and have a blast with those little cars!
  69.   I had a Donny and Marie lunch box, Donny and Marie Barbie Dolls, and every issue of ‘Tiger Beat’ and ‘Dynomite’ that had a picture of Donny Osmond in it! J
  70.   I loved elementary school cafeteria food.
  71.   I was 21 years old the first time I saw the ocean…Cocoa Beach in Florida.
  72.   I love the writing of Lucy Maude Montgomery and want to visit Prince Edward Island sooo badly!!!
  73.   I love the sound of Kettle Drums…’s like an instant vacation whenever I hear them!
  74.   I struggle daily with anxiety and depression…and then feel guilty about feeling depressed and anxious when I am so blessed, and that makes me……ANXIOUS AND DEPRESSED!  It’s a vicious cycle!
  75.   My very first car was a 1976 Camero.
  76.   I went to a casino once and put a quarter in the slot machine and pulled the arm down….just so I could mark it off my “bucket-list.”   Didn’t win.  
  77.   I once made a  chicken-dish so awful that my kids and husband refused to eat it after the first bite.  It tasted AWFUL. We threw it away and I cooked something else.  You win some, you lose some!
  78.   Watermelon is my favorite food.
  79.   Sometimes, when I’m in a stuffy, formal or professional setting, I have to stifle the urge to jump up and yell (really loud) HOOGITY-BOOGITY!!!!! Or something equally disruptive and inappropriate.  I guess I just want to see the startled looks on people’s faces, I don’t know.  The thought just has some unapologetic appeal to me.
  80.  I’m a list-maker. Keeps me on-track.
  81.   I enjoy snooping around antique stores….I wonder about the story that each old item has to tell.
  82.   I love trying different foods from around the world!
  83.   I have always wanted a cotton candy maker!  I loves me some cotton candy!
  84.   I do not like video-games.
  85.   Since I moved back to TN from Texas…..I don’t really miss Whattaburger at all.  But I do miss Taco Bueno!  (And I seriously miss my Texas friends most of all.)
  86.   I never cared for Elvis’ music. Not a big fan. 
  87.   Some people think I’m a (gasp) NERD.  I embrace that. J As Popeye would say, “I yam what I yam.”
  88.   I could spend an entire day in Hobby Lobby….just looking at and dreaming of all the possibilities!
  89.   Sometimes, I honestly fear that I’m a hypochondriac.  It worries me.
  90.  I love driving around the countryside…seeing the old barns, the cows in the fields, gardens, hay bales, little creeks, horses….it makes me feel happy and relaxed.
  91.   I still tear-up a bit when I hear ‘I’m Proud To Be An American” on July 4th and also when I hear, “Butterfly Kisses” and “Watercolor Ponies” and “Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone.”
  92.  I like to pretend that I know how to speak Spanish.  I only really know enough to be dangerous! J
  93.  My think that my greatest achievement in life has been raising my 2 beautiful, strong, healthy, independently minded children to adulthood.
  94.   I am blessed beyond all measure with a loving husband, children who love me, an entourage of amazing friends, extended family, and way more than I need of everything. 
  95.   When I am sick or I don’t feel well, nothing in this world feels better than my Momma holding my head.  She has magical healing in her hands! J
  96.   I once danced in a stage production of “Fame” when I was in the 8th grade and I just LOVED it!
  97.   I can still do the splits!! 
  98.   I love the way crayons smell.  Actually, I should just go ahead and admit that I have a “school supply” fetish and be done with it! Haha!
  99.   I love the smell of freshly washed laundry! 
  100. I realized when making this list that I am fairly BORING and most of these items are inane

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