Friday, November 6, 2015

Waiting for the Wedding!!!!

How does it feel the day before my son’s wedding?  Exciting!  But I also have an over-arching anxiety that things will go well and he will have happy memories of this special day.  I am thrilled to be seeing far-flung family members, but also anxious that everyone will get along together and not cause a scene.  I know I can’t be the only one who feels the tension when extended family comes together.   My daughter is in the skies even as I type this….in an airplane high above the earth, zooming along at speeds exceeding hundreds of miles per hour……and in light of the scary news stories of airplane bombs, crashes, and disasters…..I am a nervous wreck and will be until she is safely on the ground again.   I have family driving in from 2 ½ hours away and I pray for their safety during the trip as well.   I pray for teenagers who have nasty, selfish attitudes and think that everything is about them…..when all I want is for this special day to be all about my son and his new wife.  I am holding my breath that they don’t cause ugly scenes.   

I am excited that my son has found his love….they have dated for a little over 4 years and have been engaged for the last year.   He is genuinely happy and excited about starting his new life as a married man.  He has  been wanting to wear his wedding ring since he got it a couple of weeks ago and he has proudly texted me pictures of their wedding license…..all signed and ready to be official tomorrow afternoon as soon as the vows are exchanged!

I have been running around, trying to make sure that I look presentable and will not embarrass my son or family and I want to look as nice as possible because wedding pictures will be around forever.   I have been dieting like a fiend for over a month and haven’t eaten carbs in weeks and weeks.  I got my nails done last night, I picked out fancy shoes, I have the dress pressed and hanging in the closet and the rest of my clothes and spanx in the suitcase.   I Have experimented with make-up (and ended up looking like a hooker with black eyes) and I have experimented with my hair….which is basically hopeless at this point.  My approach to hair care is basically…I wash it and comb it and whatever it does is whatever it does.  It will not submit to curlers, flatteners, or even bobby pins.  After 48 years of fussing with it, I have learned:  it is what It is….which is usually some thing between scare-crow and flat-head-Fred.   I have a new purse to carry that matches my new shoes.  I have even worn the shoes at home while doing housework to try to get used to wearing a high-heel….but that might be hopeless.  I will at least make it through the ceremony…..but my body was not built to be carried around on stiletto heels.   (Not that my new heels are in any fashion “stiletto”….they are a very sensible 2 ½ inch heel….but they feel 10 feet tall to me…..because I tend to stick to  comfortable old-lady orthopedic type shoes that more resemble Brogans than fashionable footwear.     But, surely I can manage to get through a 2 hour period with the shoes on my feet without tripping or breaking an ankle.  Surely.  Please???? 

I had to get my dog ready to go to the kennel for the duration of our trip to Nashville and our post-wedding cruise with the kids.  I bagged up her dog-food last night and she was SOOO excited about that.  She kept looking at me with her little head cocked to the side, as if to ask me, “Mommy…..whattcha doin with my food?”   But it is bagged, tagged, and ready to go!   I had to love on her a little extra this morning and give her a few extra hugs and belly-rubs.  I know she doesn’t understand that I was telling her that I would miss her…..but she did lick my chin and act like I was her favorite person EVER.   Does anybody else cry when they say good bye to their dog for a week?   I’m afraid I’m becoming one of those crazy ladies. 

Speaking of crying…I’ve done way too much of THAT this week.  I made a little locket for Jaron to wear inside his label during his wedding….it has a picture of my Grandmother – our Mamaw.   I know she would be so proud of him and would have been there, sitting on the front row, cheering him on if she was still with us.   This way, she will be there with him – right over his  heart.   I got all choked up, thinking about her…thinking about him….and missing and grieving.   Grief gets better with time, but it never quiet goes away. All it takes is one thought, one smell, one memory…..and I’m crying like Niagara Falls.

So, what do I do next?  Look back through all of  Jaron’s baby pictures…remembering the day he was born and the day I brought him home from the hospital….the day he was potty trained, the day he started kindergarten, the day he got expelled from kindergarten, the day we were told that he would have to repeat kindergarten because of his behavior issues, the day he FINALLY started first grade, the day he learned to ride a bike, the days we laughed at his crazy antics and jokes, the days we cried with frustration over his behavior and the consequences of his poor choices, the nights we stood over his bed while he was sleeping – praying for him.   And of course, I cried.  Big- Ugly cried.   Snot-flying, face-swelling-up-eyes-red –for-days cried.  

I cried because of all the past pain, all the past joy, all the past moments in between. I cried because I miss that little freckle-faced boy……and because I’m so happy that little freckle-faced boy is now a 6’2” young man. I cried because I am so happy that he has found peace and happiness and purpose.   I cried because I love him with a love so fierce.  

I am a hot mess of crying.  I need to get a grip….because I’m running out of make-up and Kleenex and I’m about to wash the contacts right out of my eyeballs with all these dumb tears!   I’m not sad in the least – I am thrilled!  And happy!  And excited!  And anticipating!  And, and, and, and, and………
The funny thing is that I'm not the only one in our family who is all twitter-pated.   Steve freaked out last night....sending Jaron a message to set his alarm clock to get up this morning in order to check into his flight for Saturday morning at 7:40am.   Turns out.....Jaron doesn't HAVE a 7:40am flight to Nashville tomorrow morning - he is already IN Nashville.   Only Steve and I have a flight at 7:40am tomorrow morning  - to get us TO Nashville!  Hahahahaha!!!  I'm not the only one excited!!! :)

How many minutes until tomorrow?